Peace Bridge

Hello all 641 of you!

I was reading the Buffalo News this morning looking through recent articles and found an interesting one on the designs for the new Peace Bridge. It shows several potential designs that you can view and read information about. There is also a big debate about whether to replace the old bridge, or build a new one next it. Considering the bridges around the world that have become icons of their cities (NYC, San Francisco, Sydney, and now Tampa with its new Sunshine Bridge), a new impressive bridge linking the US to Canada through Buffalo would be a major shot in the arm for the city, considering it links two countries. Please check out the following site which also allows you to vote on which design you like. The voting ends on Sunday, which is why I am sending this link today. The results will be displayed at an upcoming meeting.

The link

If you are planning on attending the Buffalo Philharmonic’s concert at Carnegie Hall on June 6th, please let me know. I’d like to try and get us seated together.

— Matt ‘talkin proud and lovin Buffalo” Kabel