Buffalo Bills at Kansas City Chiefs

Hello all 1,918 NYC Bills Fans!

We’ve arrived. Labor Day is past, the weather is cooler, and the sound of cleats hitting the turf is here. This Sunday at 1pm, our Buffalo Bills kick off the 2011 season against the Kansas City Chiefs. If you haven’t seen already this morning, the Wall Street Journal just ranked the Buffalo Bills as the best looking team in the NFL, and the Chiefs as the ugliest. Has there ever been a better cause for rivalry?

Come on down to 42nd and 2nd and join your fellow New York City Buffalo Bills Backers as we begin our 10th year of existence and pack two midtown Manhattan bars with Bills fans and the game/sound on all TVs! On a personal note, I haven’t been able to catch many games with you the last 2 years due to family commitments on Sundays, and haven’t watched a game in McFadden’s itself in quite some time preferring the more family friendly atmosphere of Calico’s. All that changes this weekend, I’m returning with a vengeance this season and am ridiculously fired up to watch us wipe the floor with the Chiefs with all of you at McFadden’s on Sunday! For you newbies, please come over and say hello, would love to hear your thoughts on NYCBBB.

***Please note, there have been some minor changes to the drink specials this season, the first changes we’ve made in several seasons. Look them over:

Also, being that its the 10th anniversary of 9/11 here in NYC feel free to wear your patriotic colors, which happen to share the red, white and blue of our Bills!

For the latest news be sure to check out www.billsdaily.comwww.buffalorumblings.com, andwww.deargodwhyussports.com.


Matt “Talkin’ Proud and Sooooooooo Fired Up For Sunday!” Kabel